Monday, March 21, 2011

Oracle SOA Suite PS3 ( on Ubuntu Linux 10.10 Installation Guide (includes Optimal Flexible Architecture)

We will be looking at the installation of Oracle SOA Suite PS3 ( on Ubuntu Linux 10.10. I have stretched the installation scope a little bit by installing the SOA Suite of products into an existing Oracle OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture) that contains an existing Oracle Database 11g installation.

Oracle has recommended a UNIX file structure (known as Optimal Flexible Architecture, OFA) for Oracle Database installation and is documented in the Oracle Database Installation Guide.

In our example, we install Oracle SOA Suite into the directory structure of an existing Oracle Database

1) You must have an existing oracle database installation, on a file directory structure compliant to Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA). For instructions to install Oracle Database 11g, please refer to this article.
2) Both servers (Oracle Database server and Oracle Service Bus server) must share the common oracle user and oinstall group with identical uid and gid. You can implement this either with NIS (the yellow pages, yp), NIS+, rsync or LDAP. The latter is the preferred but I will leave this exercise to a separate article. For now, just create the oracle user and oinstall group manually on the SOA Suite host.
3) Both server should mount the NFS exported file system using the same convention, either u01 or disk01 as recommended by Oracle. On my machine, I mapped the exported FS by specifying the following in /etc/mtab file. /u01 nfs rw,hard,intr,addr= 0 0

SOA Suite Installation requires at least 512MB of swap space. If your default swap partition has less space than that, then the easiest way to increase the swap space is to follow the instructions here. I have my Ubuntu 10.10 Standard Operating Environment created with 1GB of swap partition and export it as a ESX ova template and re-use it for all my Oracle product installation.

Given that the target host is a multi-homed host, with a NIC for application and another for storage, I have updated the /etc/hosts file to ensure the hostname resolved into the correct IP address.   orasoa1       localhost.localdomain   localhost

Bill of Materials
1) Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.4 (wls1034_oepe111161_linux32.bin)
2) Oracle SOA Suite PS3 (,

The following are typical steps to installing Oracle SOA Suite onto your target machine.

1) First, you must install Oracle Weblogic Servier 10.3.4 as oracle user.

ORACLE_BASE = /u01/app/oracle
MW_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/soamw
We don't need support do we?

Select the 'Typical' option, we will develop something on this installation
WLS_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/soamw/wls_10.3
3) Install Oracle SOA Suite PS3 (

Unlike SOA Suite PS2 ( which needs to be installed on top of SOA Suite, PS3 can be installed as a standalone package. As oracle user, unzip and into your /home/oracle folder.

5 folders (Disk1, Disk2, Disk3, Disk4 and Disk5) will be created after unzip operation. cd into Disk1 and execute runInstaller. When asked for JRE/JDK location, use the one installed with WLS. (wither Sun JKD or JRockit)

oracle@orasoa1:~/Disk1$ ./runInstaller

Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.    Actual 3296 MHz    Passed
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB.   Actual 1583 MB    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 1023 MB    Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 65536    Passed
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-03-29_11-49-15PM. Please wait ...
Please specify JRE/JDK location ( Ex. /home/jre ), /bin/java should exist :/u01/app/oracle/product/soamw/jrockit_160_22_D1.1.1-3

If you see the following error on the console, you can ignore them (do nothing about them)

oracle@orasoa1:~/Disk1$ [WARN ][jrockit] MaxPermSize=512m ignored: Not a valid option for JRockit
Log: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs/install2011-03-29_11-49-15PM.log
sh: /bin/rpm: not found
sh: /bin/rpm: not found

SOA Suite Installation Screens

Select the existing oraInventory of previous product installation

Click 'Continue' to ignore the result of failed pre-requisite checks

Specify the existing middle home (soamw) created during installation of Weblogic Server in Step 1 above.

The installer detected a compatible Weblogic Server version already exist in the selected MW_HOME

Start the installation process by clicking the 'Install' button

Click 'Next' to finish the installation
Click 'Finish' to complete the installation
Note that after the installation of SOA Suite, the inventory.xml file under the ContentsXML folder in oraInventory is updated to include the following entries.



The following image depicts the summary of the resultant directory structure after WLS and SOA installations.

The final step is to make sure your operating environment has the right variables set up.

As root,

#vi /etc/bash.bashrc

Add the following lines

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export MW_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/soamw
export WLS_HOME=$MW_HOME/wls_10.3

save the file.

Deployment Summary

Server Configuration

Server Name
IP Address
eth0 -
eth1 -
Ubuntu Linux 10.10

Software Configuration

Application location
Data files location
Oracle Weblogic Server 10.3.4

Oracle SOA Suite

Storage Configuration

File System
Mounted On
Available Space
1 TB

VoilĂ , Oracle SOA Suite on OpenFiler NFS.

Happy SOA'ing.


  1. If pre-requisites fail, it implies that the software is not compatible for installation on ubuntu. How did you work ahead with this SOA Suite installation even after failure?

  2. Hi apmandal, I would not equate 'incompatible' with 'unsupported'. Ubuntu platform is unsupported, it doesn't mean one cannot run the Oracle products on it. All x86 Linux platform is binary compatible. Hope this makes sense.
